Not a bad time to be a crypto journalist, huh?
The best crypto and blockchain journalism and research from February (and a few days of March)
A crypto journalist diligently covering Bitcoin’s meteoric rise. Source: Midjourney
Hello fellow journalists. It’s certainly not been a boring month in crypto, no matter how short it actually was. From Bitcoin reaching an all-time high (after a day or two of teasing us) to a our ACJR ETHDenver meet-up (totally comparable), I doubt any of us have been getting much rest away from our laptops.
To recap — February brought a lot of us to ETHDenver to kick-off the crypto conference season, and we took the opportunity to collaborate with Crypto Comms Collective on a (no-pitching allowed) Tech Talks. For those who missed it, we have a handy sizzle reel for you here.
Our Off the Record webinar on how to cover Bitcoin ETFs was such a success that it has remained truly off the record, but our upcoming webinar on women in crypto — March 22, 11am EST — with Molly Jane (ACJR president, Blockworks), Laura Shin (Unchained) and other guests to come is now open for registration.
But most importantly, this week concluded our first crypto journalist and researcher salary survey. If you’ve ever been curious if you’re making as much as your fellow journos, you can now see a breakdown of crypto salaries in different countries and across different roles. (Our survey was even covered by the DAO Times!)
A small peek here.
Now, let’s get started with the newsletter!
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Top crypto journalism in February (and a few days of March)
Molly Jane’s pick:
Binance made crypto perfume in a baffling attempt to woo women by Amanda Silberberg, TechCrunch
The bizarre marketing scheme that made the crypto internet scratch its head was handily summarized and picked apart in this great TechCrunch piece. My only complaint is that I didn’t think of it first.
Top stories
This crypto darling burned through $2 billion. Here’s its survival strategy by Nina Bambysheva, Forbes
‘They are very comfortable lying’ How fallen crypto kingpins Su Zhu and Kyle Davies are dodging prison — and rebranding by Jan Wieczner, Intelligencer
Euler Finance seeks redemption arc with V2 deployment by Samuel Haig, The Defiant
Terraform Labs' Do Kwon set to be extradited to the US according to local media by Sarah Wynn, The Block
As crypto 'points' farming grows, so does risk of vague promises by Jesse Hamilton, Coindesk
Two booming DeFi protocols published similar code. Was it copied? by Aleks Gilbert, DL News
Crypto marketers have a new target audience: Your mother by Patrick Coffee, Wall Street Journal
Do Kwon documents reveal astounding stupidity of his arrest by Protos
And now — it’s research time.
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Top crypto research & policy in February (and a few days of March)
Breaking BFT: Quantifying the Cost to Attack Bitcoin and Ethereum by Lucas Nuzzi, Kyle Waters, Matias Andrade
Compressed to 0: The Silent Strings of Proof of Personhood by Puja Ohlhaver, Independent Researcher, Mikhail Nikulin, Idena Protocol, Paula Berman, RadicalxChange Foundation
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New members in February (and a few days of March)
For the first time, we’re going to start highlighting new ACJR members. Give a warm welcome to the following (and if you want to see your name on this list, sign-up right here).
Ana De Sousa — CEO of Agio Rating in Toronto
Kevin Dinino — founder and president of KCD PR in San Diego, CA
Byron Gilliam — researcher and newsletter writer for Blockworks
Nancy Quiros — educator and coaching/leadership consultant based in San Fran. Nancy is the instructor of the first course in "Bitcoin and Cryptoassets" at Lead University in Costa Rica
Jey Turner — head of marketing at Neon EVM and is based in Cyprus
Leo Weese — technical content lead at Lightning Labs in Hong Kong
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Top crypto unhinged tweet in February (and a few days of March)
Find the ACJR on Telegram and Twitter.
Join the ACJR
It’s easy to join the ACJR — journalist memberships are only $25 a year. If you want access to our members’ only chat, discounts for conferences and invites to meetups, sign up here.
Reach out to Joyce Pavia Hanson: @JPHanson on Telegram for any more questions.
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